Bali: A honeymoon with my higher self
Eat Pray Love on steroids
It's 4:38 AM and Im meditated up and journaled down already. This sort of jetlag I have not experienced before. I love getting up at sunrise but 3AM is a bit wild even for this hippy so I've decided to use this powerful time before the around me world wakes up to practice my craft of writing about the deep stuff. Being in Bali has confirmed something for me that I can no longer run away from so grab your drink of choice, sit back and open your mind
(take your judgy pants off)
I've come to know many things about myself lately one of those things is small talk bores the daylights out of me. Surface-level living is something I am incapable of doing these days, and writing has helped me in this regard. Vulnerability is something that feels so natural to me, people often tell me I'm brave to write about the things I do, I honestly just like being honest. It's a way to set yourself free.
Authentic truth is the new black
If you have read any of my previous ramblings you will know almost 3 years ago I left my job and moved to the United Kingdom with 40kgs of luggage and only BIG dreams. I was convinced I was going to be a therapist. The global pause of Covid -Lockdown became an opportunity for me to be real with myself, confront my limiting beliefs and give my dreams another go.
I had been training for this all my life, I was my first client. Overcoming anxiety and dealing with all my big T trauma in life set me up to hold an empathetic space for others that fills my heart and soul with so much joy. I was always the go-to person for emotional troubles with others, I would constantly hear things such as "I've never told anyone that before" yet I had no self-belief. I didn't go to university and chalked up all my accomplishments to luck. It took one conversation with my therapist that gave me the courage to just go for it
"I think you will make a wonderful therapist"
It took someone else's belief for me to shut the inner critic down for good! I hope this could spark that within you. We all possess skills that we don't acknowledge because they feel natural. What comes so naturally to you that you take it for granted? If you are reading this and have a dream, do not let that inner critic win.
I didn't even know what a chakra was
Have you ever started down a path only to be REALLY surprised by the actual destination?
In 2020 I restarted my studies to become a therapist, I was scientific AF! I had spent most of my life concentrating on physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing so all that was left was this thing called a soul. Spiritual health seemed like the next step. I started a dedicated meditation practice and began studying a coaching course run by Jay Shetty. An x monk superstar. His teaching resonated with me because they were backed by science but had plenty of workings from ancient wisdom which intrigued me.
After I qualified I deep dove into spirituality, 2 years later I sit writing this with recently Balinesian Sharman opened chakras and coming out to the world as a Medium.
What the fffff ?
A few spiritual awakenings later and I am the person that communicates with your passed-over loved ones. Believe me, I am just as shocked. Every time I pick up some relevant information I still can not believe it but the joy, love and hope I witness from the receiver is like nothing I've experienced before. I'm starting to witness the healing that comes from these readings.
Meditation turned me into a medium
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