Be your own Psychic

 May be Medium 

Well, in complete honesty these words began in May. May just flew by in blurrrr. Here I sit already June, in front of this page reflecting on the wildest adventure called my life. 
During the last few months, I have been coming to terms with being an actual Medium. Finding the strength and courage to share this unusual gift after my time in Bali. No more running away. 

I really did not see this coming even though I was given a heads-up by a Viking psychic at a random fair! I honestly thought the man had been drinking too much. Surprisingly not. 

It's been my absolute pleasure to begin working in this way connecting humans with their passed-over loved ones. Mostly spreading hope. I've come full circle. As a little girl hope is the only thing I had. It got me through times that little girls should not have to experience. It's the name I hope to put on the cover of a book, it's the reason I write this blog. Hope is all I have and it will be with me forever and I want to give it to the world. 

Being a Medium has shifted my life into another dimension. It has solidified that we never end, we never die, we just change form. Being a Medium just means that I can tune into the frequency of the dimension where souls hang out. It takes some prep and a lot of raising my vibration, but anyone can do it. 

Now that that's out there out there I can share more freely about my Spirit guides, they are the creative force and often entertaining. I recently opened up my crown chakra as you do, for a bit of guidance and asked what shall I do next and received.
 "Keep writing" 

In a bit of a huff, I responded, "Ok well what shall I write about in a May blog" and I heard
 "May be a medium" so here we go ... rather late than never. 

I feel like a case study for the cosmos - post-eclipse retrograde season come down

It's like I've been drop-kicked back onto my soul's purpose recently and I was not ready!
Are we ever ready? The Universe has gifted me some time to make sense of all and get clear about how I wish to serve this planet. 

If you are interested in astrology, you will know we recently had an eclipse / retrograde cosmic combo. 
I watched my life align in the ways that the professional astrologists predicted, It was powerful!! I was often speechless. That's what living in tune spiritually feels like often. 
Unbelievably co-created when we are aware and awake. 

My authentic truth came rushing to the surface in a glitter suit. I was propelled forward by a fire of masculine energy. I sit here typing this replaying the last few weeks like a movie. As usual, my highest good is always on the agenda but WTAF. 

I know it's time to start showing up for myself even though I have no clue where to start. I've realized that when you are aligned and moving with swift authenticity the Universe picks up speed and real-life miracles happen daily. 

So, I will just start right here. You can too, this exact moment can be your fresh start. Your hope song, begin now, step towards your truth with courage despite the fear. Do that and mountains will be moved. I have so many new mountains ahead but I'm so up for all the hikes. 

I've realised so many things over the last year. The Universe works in unusual ways, it is constantly communicating with us, and sometimes it keeps us on our toes. If things seem to be going wrong, they are often a purposeful redirection. If patterns are recurring, there might be some lessons to be learned. In hindsight my patterns, detours or obstacles are clear.  Hopefully, they can lend you some wisdom or guidance on your path as I'm guessing (no psychic power needed) if you are still reading this that you are intrigued by this woo-woo land I walk. 

I AM A MEDIUM and we all can be 

I have been getting more comfortable discussing my communication with passed-over spirits. I have even started to take on clients for readings. This is a major breakthrough for me personally. I can not describe the fear of judgment I experienced previously when I considered sharing this information. 
Isn't it funny how real fears can feel? We all have them if we are honest. I overcame mine by doing some past life inner work. Yes, you read correctly, I ventured into the realm of my previous lives. This fear was showing up through what is commonly known as the witch wound. Many were persecuted or punished for having nonconforming beliefs or "powers".  How many of us feel silly about our "woo-woo" ways and keep them hidden out of fear? 
I've come to know we are all Spiritual beings having a human experience and I have no desire to be special but rather empower others to self-heal and connect to the power they possess. 

I've started to challenge myself to live my truth, to walk my talk. To show up to the opportunities that present themselves. I know that Spirit would not present them unless I was ready, I just need to guide human Tammi a little more from the heart and not the head. It feels great and scary at the same time. 
An example I keep laughing about happened recently. I told my new hairdresser when she asked 

"So what do you do for a living" 
"I cold call the dead, I'm a psychic medium" 
Her face was priceless. 
Who am I? 

The truth is everyone has psychic abilities, often it's just about remembering how to access them with lots of practice. 
This is how it works- psychics use the Clairs to access information

Clairs - a French word for clear / light 
Clairvoyant- to see images 
Clairaudience - to hear words
Clairsentient - to physically feel 
Claircognizance - to just know 

For me after permission is granted. I tap into the energy and invite your spiritual support team to join the party.  I use cards as a tool to deliver the messages. 
I set the intention that the cards reveal what you need to know at that time.
Your highest good and empowerment are the agenda. 
Sometimes I even physically feel alignments.  

For Mediumship I invite your passed-over loved one ( picked by you ) to share specific information with me so that you will know it’s them but it’s the most complicated game of charades I’ve ever played and the words/images make no sense to me so it’s a collaboration. 
This is a very intimate practice and I am still learning as I go. 

Before you ask  
I don't read minds 
I’m not a fortune teller - the future changes with every thought emotion and action so I stay away from predictions. 
I can’t give you the lottery numbers or tell if your x still loves you 
(the most common question I receive) 
I know that many of you might be sceptical, hopefully carrying a dose of healthy scepticism in everything you do, it's so healthy. I welcome that. Why? 

Because 3 years ago I didn't even know what a chakra was and I only believed in Science and now Im doing readings for Oxford professors spinning the sh$t out of those chakras.

I know that when you are ready things can change. To have an open mind is to accept that you do not know everything. 

The Journey into the Unknown 

When I got on a plane almost exactly 3 years ago I never imagined the adventure waiting for me but my goodness gracious I'm happy I followed my inner guidance and intuition. 
Even when everyone told me not to do it, it was impossible. 
Luckily I've always loved a challenge. Your soul has your back. Listen. 

Once you tune into your intuition life happens for you. So go your own way. Begin pleasing your soul and not society. That's true freedom. 

I find myself in another challenging chapter of life, facing the chaos of this planet but better equipped. 
I meet this chapter with layers of gratitude, minimal fear and extra love to go around. I believe humans have goodness in them and I hope and pray every day that we come together. 

It's times like these that I am grateful for my Spiritual support team and the incredible teachers I have had over the years. Louise Hay was the start, my first, my Spiritual fairy godmother so I thought I would share a quote I connected to recently after she visited me in a time of need. 
(A story for another day) 

“Every experience I have is perfect for my growth” 

Louise Hay 

I can't wait to look back at this exact blog 3 years from now and be amazed at the Spiritual Soul Service I have created. 

I am always here if you need any support connecting to your Spiritual Support team. 

I promise you, a wonderful journey awaits...

All my hope and love 

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