Lets get meta-physical - How to Manifest

Here comes the spiritual spice - vibration 101. 

Well well well... it's been a while since I've put pen to paper or fingers to casual creative keyboard. 
Ive had a BEEP hard 2023 Q1 so far but I've bounced back in a big way. 
Does that ever happen to you? 

Dark times in my life always lead to major peaks, it's 100% a pattern I've come to recognise. Why I still get swept up in fear I do not know, those human genes I guess. Anyway .. there is this sense of Spring in my soul. I read today in astrological terms that Venus meets Jupiter soon and this is creating a magical alignment portal for dream creation, manifestation, awakening and all the other woo-woo bits that get my hippy self beaming.
Maybe it's that, I am not sure to be honest, I just know I like this feeling a lot. 

How is this newish year of 2023 going for you? Are you moving closer to your dream life?
I feel and know this chapter of my life is all about being REAL, getting over what people think of me and following my weirdness because that makes me happy. 

Today I even shared this blog link on LinkedIn, (very hidden so I am sure nobody will find it) because I've worked LinkedIn up onto a mental pedestal like its a serious domain where the belief police hang out,  where I need to keep my spiritually awakened self hidden in fear of condemning judgement and torturous ridicule. When in reality nobody cares or even pays that much attention.

I'm currently challenging myself to let go of what I think people think of me,  it's all assumptions really, wrapped in fear. By overriding those inner thoughts and working through these silly fears an authentic shiny self can appear and this set us up even more comfortably on our path of purpose.
*baddies not included.

My purposeful path is like coming out of the psychic medium closet and sharing more openly about developing my skills and tapping into the spiritual realm. Before I hit you with chakras, spirit guides and multiple dimensions I thought I could help you start understanding manifesting,unconditioning and healing. 

How does that sound? If you are curious or new to this stick around. 

I've had the funniest manifestations lately that might entertain you so let me share a story with you before we get into the basics of manifesting and the law of attraction. 

Show me the money!

As humans we all have individual relationships with money, often these attachments are taught or passed on from our upbringing. Often there is trauma around money described as money wounds.
What are your beliefs about money today? 
Write down the first things that pop into your mind when you hear the word money. 
That will enlighten you. 

How do you feel about your finances? 
Did your parents say things like "money doesn't grow on trees" Did your household always lack money or did you grow up privileged? Do you feel guilt around spending money, does it burn your pockets? My point is our perception of money is unique but it can be changed like anything else by uncondotioning and reframing everything we want our truth to become. 

I grew up in a household where my physical needs were met but money to me equalled independence. It was used to sweep violence under the rug. As I began to earn money I became very frugal and my past career was all about earning money, I saved a lot but I constantly had a fear of running out and did not enjoy spending money. I saw my parents have their own battle with money and that charged me to run in the opposite direction. 

I still battle a bit with what is known as "lack mentality" but these days I have detached a lot from money as I now believe it is only energy and I have evidence that I've always had more than I need. I don't care too much about physical possessions and have balanced out a lot in this department. 
Funny because after I got to the above state, I received the most money I've ever had. 

Lately, I try to purchase from a place of what I need and not what I want
I enjoy a simplistic minimalistic lifestyle. This now feels like freedom to me. 
One evening recently I was doing some online shopping for yoga clothes and I dipped back into the state of lack and was going around and around in mental circles about my want purchases.
 " should I, shouldn't I "
 "why not save Tammi"
 "buy the cheapest you can find" 

After a while, I clicked back and realised that the energy I just put out and created was not a high vibration and I remember saying to myself. 
"goodness imagine how good it must feel to be calm and feel great when purchasing something, no guilt. Just a brand I love no matter the price."  
I dropped into this happy place for a few minutes unintentionally before sleep arrived. 

The next day a package arrived and it took my breath away. It was from an expensive brand that in the past provoked guilt and unworthiness when even considering a purchase but it had my name on the package. At first, I was so confused! I thought it was a gift from work but it wasn't. 

It had my full name and address attached, I opened the package and inside were clothing items on my list that I was looking at the night before from a way cheaper retailer. I can not explain how that brand got my information or how free clothes were delivered to my door. I then remembered my sleepy thoughts "imagine what it must feel like"

The Universe provided me with a masterclass in the law of attraction that I will never forget. That previous night I spent a few moments in the energy of peace and calmness, I didn't even need money, the universe literally dropped the items out of my happy place meditative state on my doorstep. 

Vibration Bootcamp 

Okay so in simple terms manifesting is all about your vibration 
Everything in the universe is made from energy and energy is constantly moving. That movement is the vibration. All energy vibrates at different rates and those rates are known as frequency. Frequency attracts similar frequency. So think of yourself as a magnet and your energy attracts similar energy. To attract your desires you must “tune” yourself often and align yourself with the desired energy.

If you want abundance you must become abundant - try to begin healing the feelings of lack, focus on what you do have rather than what's missing, be grateful and share, and give more to others.

If you want love you must be loving - to yourself and to others
You must match the things you want to attract. You will need to become conscious of your thoughts and beliefs. If you believe you are not worthy or it is not possible, the universe will follow your direction either way. The first step is to become the vibrational match.

To manifest takes action, individual aligned action as we are all at different points in our life with our own individual circumstances but these principles are tools that can change your life.
You deserve a happy healthy abundant life.

If you have any questions my inbox via social channels is always open.
I love hearing from people.
I do not believe in coincidences so if you are reading this, I wrote it for you and I am rooting for you.

You my dear have everything you need and are exactly where you need to be.

Do the work and all the results will come.

"Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics"
Albert Einstein

Happy manifesting

P.S. Reach out if you would like to claim a free card reading for encouragement and spiritual insights.


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