Time flies even when you ARENT having fun - toodles 2022

The ups & downs of 2022 

Another year is almost done. 
Another 360-something days of life passed. 

This last year has changed my life direction, it's thrown detours of mammoth proportions. It trampled past knocking so many things down around me but once again it's all been on purpose.

Again pain has exposed the beauty behind the shadows. 

This beauty has only been revealed by reflection.

So here it goes. 

But first , because this is a partnership ....

How often do you reflect? once a year? once a season? once a month? Never? 

It's a habit I've grown so very fond of. Why?

It recharges me and exposes useful (self) data while igniting opportunities to find gratitude. It also provides the time to really evaluate what I've done with my precious time and hands me the small wins-fueled pats on the back. 

We need these self-supporting gestures if we want to achieve our goals aligned with happiness and self-love. 

Self-reflection is a life accessory that never loses trend and guess what?  it's FREE. 
If you want to keep growing or change your life, it's the consistent ingredient needed to do just that. 

You get more of what you don't resolve 

Once you begin to get into a habit of reflecting you will start to notice patterns. 
Patterns and clues of what has kept you stuck, small or where fear has taken control. 
What self-destructing habits have knocked you off course or how you have treated your home *mind body soul. 

The aspects of your inner world predict and govern your experience of life. 
How can you not attend to this important perception shifter? 

So I  can not encourage you more if I tried, so take some time to reflect on 2022. DO IT! 
If you are a newbie self reflector - I got you ;)
* I will provide some powerful questions to ponder at the end.

This year for me personally has been filled with pain and many stressful moments, I've moved homes and towns (again) I've started a new job in a new industry, I've faced my mothers' diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer but I've never been happier or felt more alive.

In-between the pain and stressful circumstances there has been huge personal growth, miracle manifestations and inner healing. I do not fear pain anymore, I almost get excited about the assignment or future wisdom master class in action. 

My rap sheet 

2023 is going to be a year of bigger bolder authentic truth, MY inner truth, nothing governed by the outer world. A year of more unconditioning of systems, beliefs and fear. 
A year of connection, love and BIGGER DREAMS. 

I would hate to go at that alone so I invite you to join me.

To find your inner authentic truth, to get rid of fear, judgement and shame. 
Begin believing in the things you crave. Be brave and do the work. 

The only thing I really crave is to help the world become a happier, healthier place for us all. 
I'm just a girl sitting behind her laptop telling you, promising you, that you are worthy and everything is possible for you my lovely reader. 

If you are reading this, it's already an indication that something is sparking inside of you. 
What's holding you back? 

If I summarised my life rap sheet for you it might hit home that the past does not matter, you can overcome anything. 
It might help you believe that you can have big dreams and manifest anything you want. 

Here it goes 

I grew up in a home filled with violence, domestic abuse, addiction and no love.
During my childhood, I lived in constant fear with no emotional capacity to understand. 

My teens were filled with severe anxiety. I self-medicated and desperately tried to escape the chaos and trauma that was ingrained in my subconscious. I felt so shameful and lonely. 

I watched my mother battle alcoholism which affected every aspect of my life. I became resentful and filled with anger. 

I developed eating disorders to gain control, and I punished myself with self-criticism and hate.
I turned to perfectionism, shame and consistent patterns of burnout to prove my worth while searching to find any love possible. 

My mental health was wrecked and eventually, I had a complete breakdown after another hard-hitting traumatic loss. ( the best thing that has ever happened to me) *an article for another day. 

I faced further trauma from my father's suicide in 2017 although better equipped my world was still tiny. Nothing can prepare you for that trauma. 

In this short none detailed summary you can tell that I should not be the person I am, the cards I was dealt set me up on a very rocky life foundation. 
But guess what, I changed it all around. I found happiness, peace and healing. 
Why because I did the HARD work and consistently still do the hard work. 
I still have so much hard work to do. 

I share this with you because I want you to know I GET IT. 
I want you to believe that you can take control, I want you to know you have the power and it's your responsibility to DO THE WORK. 

Nobody else is going to save you. 

It's so scary to start the healing journey, it's uncomfortable to let go of your ego and take off your mask. There is so much to do but it's doable. Do not let another year pass you by. 


Nobody has had your exact circumstances or precise detours. 
So stop looking around and zoom in on your life.  ( yes, I'm raising my voice )

Begin now, begin creating the patterns of no delay and do the work. 
Grab a blank sheet of paper, a book, or your phone notepad.

Take a deep breath, get honest and let it flow. 


Where did you experience small wins? 

What moments made you feel proud?

When were you most happy? 

What patterns/ habits keep showing up that you need to shift? 

What obstacles are standing in your way? 

What do you need to forgive? 


If you died tomorrow would you be satisfied with your journey on earth? 
Did you say all you needed to say? 
Did you do the things that you felt in your heart? 

A little inner self-inquest will harvest the most robust data you need to begin creating the life you crave. I am here to tell you it's possible. I am here to tell you you deserve it. 

I'm here for the underdogs 
Grab hold of my hope and just begin. 
 I honestly believe in you and I am here if you ever need support or guidance. 

Happy always and merry everything X

2023 is going to be magical 


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