I knew I was nearly healed when......
These last couple of weeks have had me venturing down a long and detailed memory lane.
Looking at the same things I grew up around but noticing so many differences. It's as if I've removed the lens of guilt, fear, and shame. I've detached from the traumatic memories and can now see the beauty in the past pain. I feel grounded and healed as I stare the triggers directly in the eyes.
It's like I can see clearly now.
I can see clearly that all I went through was on purpose, it brought me here, it made me strong, and it equipped me with past survival evidence for when the hard times arrive. All of this made me wiser.
But mostly it has filled me with love, compassion, and hope for this world.
My biggest wish is for you to feel that too.
Among the lane of distant memories, the struggles of others have become cemented into my awareness again.
The heightened anxiety that this world is facing is so clear. What can I do?
I can write and share how I got to this place of health and happiness.
I can write and share how I changed micro-step by micro-step.
I can write and share how I overcome and conquered my traumas.
I can write and share which tools I used to calm and soothe.
All of this will be useless if you, yourself do not do the work.
So from my heart to yours, may this be your little nudge to begin your journey of self-healing.
May this spark the impulse you need to follow to take the scary step you have been thinking about.
It took me many little steps, reading, researching, and lifestyle changes, but my favourite was therapy.
Tales from therapy
I knew I was nearly healed when I reported my last cycle of worries weighing my mind and body down as
"I am worried I am not worrying enough" It was almost comical, and I knew then I was done.
I had reprogrammed my mind and my newly formed self-awareness was now driving this vessel to my highest good.
If you've ever experienced anxiety before, you will understand the cycle of worries, the continuous feeling of fear. The concerns of being broken and being stuck in this cycle of nervousness. The numbing and avoiding. The destruction of fight or flight. The relentless and consuming negativity against yourself.
If you or anyone you love is feeling the above, this is for you.
I can still feel the long walk through the serious feeling building to Dr. B's office, I can still feel the dinosaur-sized butterflies in my tummy as I waited in the dead-quiet waiting room. It seemed like the scariest place at the time, but it landed up being the most beautiful transformational place.
A place I needed the most. I am so glad I was guided to the unconventional. I am so glad I followed the impulse. I am so glad I was brave enough to look at myself and my past in the mirror.
It took me years to build up the courage to do the scary and hard work of childhood trauma therapy.
It took me years to understand this was one of the final stages of my anxiety healing.
So, I get it, therapy can be scary. Sometimes we even let our egos tell us that we don't need therapy.
Sometimes we convince ourselves our behaviour is normal.
We think our pasts are gone and have no influence on our present.
We pretend. We avoid. We numb. I've been there.
But sooner or later we need to decide what is truly right for us and bravely take the step we fear most.
No matter where this article finds you or your loved one on the self-healing journey the “window of regulation” is something I learned and can encourage everyone to learn about.
If you would like to understand this "window" more, read about it below
Back to Therapy
“Tammi you need to keep your central nervous system regulated, once you are out of that window it is very much harder to regulate again”
I can still hear her words, and I can still feel the massive penny drop.
This state of well-being before fight or flight kicks in that is so essential to keep your central nervous system soothed got me thinking and noticing the physical indications of leaving that safe zone such as a clenched jaw. I identified this as my pre-anxiety, current stress overload indication.
Ever felt that? So many people do! Our bodies are incredible and are constantly sending us signals.
What is your sign of leaving that safe zone?
I love problem-solving, sharing what has helped me, and helping others take control of their lives. So to help prevent you from flying into a dysregulated nervous system I created something while coaching a client about looking for personal warning signs of leaving this safe zone of regulation.
Take in mind I also love having fun, letting go of the serious, and using my inner child (an article for another day) so mix in my love of wonder woman and healing and you get a
A personal shield from fight or flight and chronic stress
A personal defense against general anxiety, burnout, and a central nervous system setting on fire.
Think of the materials that would create your personal self-care shield.
Yes, it's a bit cheesy but nobody is watching you I promise.
What brings you joy?
What soothes you?
What relaxes you?
What calms you?
What protects you?
What makes you feel alive?
Write them down, store them in your phone, and keep them close for when you need reminders.
All our shields are different, but we all need positive shields in these stressful times.
May we shield up and stop the spread of this anxiety and stress epidemic.
May you find the courage you need to take that small step to change your life.
This world needs more happy healthy occupants.
If you are thinking about getting support, I can truly say it's the best thing I've ever done.
I've now given support and witnessed firsthand from the support-giving seat how talking and processing can change things around.
If you are not ready for that step, start where you can with what you have. This is your personal journey, and our roads are all paved differently.
Reach out if you would like to chat, my inbox is always open.
All my love and light
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